Sketching has never been my forte. I will admit, I strongly dislike sketchbooks. I can see how they are helpful, but they don't help me think or brainstorm ideas. Perspective sketches are fun and I can easily proportion them. I first learned how to draw perspectives in my foundations of technology class. We did oblique (cabinet and cavalier) and isometric sketches. There is a box technique that you can use to help place sides of an object at the right angle. Pencil and charcoal are my favorite materials to use. I want to branch out in materials though. But you can never have enough practice sketching so this year I plan to go through several sketchbooks practicing with architectural elements of sketching. I've always followed the rule sketch what you see not what you know. Around this area especially there are many places to go to practice drawing remarkable architecture that encompass perspective, texture, balance, unity, and several other elements of sketching we discussed in class today.
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