Friday, September 9, 2011

I am not an artist.

Today's lecture got me thinking about the way I think and who I consider myself to be. Unfortunately for me I am an analytical, quantitative, more "scientific" thinker. When I'm sitting in class having abstract terms thrown at me, my brain has to stop, analyze the conventional meaning of the word, then quantify it so I can relate it to whatever artwork we are observing. So where does that leave me? What do I call this condition? Artistically challenged? Why do I love to create things if I have no desire to express myself with what I make? I honestly don't know. What I do know is that I love making things. I want to make things as a career. Unfortunately, I have no interest in making beautiful things simply for the sake of beauty, rather I would like to focus more on the anthropology aspect of design. Ergonomics, function over form, user interface; That's what interests me. Now if only wooden strips had some sort of physical function.....

1 comment:

  1. Understanding beauty is not the same thing as expressing yourself in a design. I would be shocked if you could not find products with linear wooden elements critical to the function of the object, perhaps that is what you should research while developing your forms.
