Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Inspired by my surroundings

Monday, August 29, 2011
For the love of making things...
Industrial Design
After 4 years of drawing, design and drafting classes, I applied to Tech with the mindset that I belonged in either architecture or engineering. After reviewing my work and my senior projects, my teacher suggested I research other, more specific programs to major in. He refused to answer me when I asked what he thought I would be best suited for, instead stating "you'll know when you find it". After several hours on the Virginia Tech website, I ran across some information on industrial design. It seemed to fit my interests exactly. Several months and a summer introductory class later, I'm here ready to draw!
For any out there who need inspiration, below is a rendering of Luca Serefini's senior project. Luca is an Italian design student who graduated from the University of Parma in Italy in 2007 with a major in Industrial design.

Lamborghini Embolado Concept
Why Architecture?
Making Architecture My Choice
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Why i took interest in interior design and architecture
Choosing Interior Design
Why landscape architecture?!
I'm one of those indecisive people who wanted to pursue a lot of different types of careers but I've always loved the idea of design, mostly because there is an unlimited amount of possibilities! For a while, I actually wanted todo graphic design but then I joined this construction mentoring program. I loved it! It got me familiarized with the field and the atmosphere. I met this architect who's name I've forgotten but the point is, he was so excited about his work! He said, "It's great to design but the best part is seeing it through and once it's done, it's like your own creation came to life. It's alive!!" [and he said it in the frankenstein voice which I could never forget]. I have a very practical mindset and architecture does a good job of fitting that description. I find landscapes more appealing because buildings and houses do not catch my eye like landscape does. I feel like I can be more creative or motivated to be creative with landscape areas than building structures. Creativity is good because it leads to innovation and from what I've learned these passed days at VTech, there is a need for innovation towards landscape design especially in the environmental aspect. Oh, during junior year I wanted to go into environmental science but it involved too much science so I changed my mind. I do value the environment a lot regardless and it'll be something I will incorporate in my designs in the future. So why landscape architecture? Because it'll lead me to creating awesome pieces like this!
Inspired by Home
Falling Water

First Post: Why Architecture?
During the summer of 2010, I decided to explore architecture through a process of elimination, considering other professional fields that I declined with thought. I took on an internship at Mark G. Anderson Consultants to acquire as much knowledge as I could about architecture. MGAC is an independent professional project manager that offers design and construction expertise. I chose to intern here rather than at an architecture firm because I wanted to learn about the non-design aspects of architecture.
There, I was mentored by the vice presidents of the company (who are both practicing and non-practicing architects). I was able to see how the law and the surrounding environment influence design, and also witnessed some of the path-altering obstacles that they, as architects, encounter when designing. Under the instruction of some of the executives of the company, I began looking at architectural publications to enhance my knowledge of the field. By gaining a greater knowledge of how architects approach certain projects, I decided that architecture suited my mind set, and focused on getting into this program.
Henry Chapman Mercer

Here's a link if you want to read more about Henry Mercer and his 3 structures: http://www.tiles.org/pages/mptw/mercer.htm#fonthill
Something about me- Ray C
Michael Young
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Here's a similar quiz, if anyone wants to try it out: http://www.testcafe.com/lbrb/?affil=
Daniel Libeskind
Friday, August 26, 2011
The Architecture of Happiness

The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton is one of the reasons I chose to devote my life to design. Alain de Botton focuses on how our surroundings provide us with not only physical, but psychological sanctuaries in our hectic day to day lives. He points out why many have a lack of interest in architecture and design: the fear of impermanence. For better or worse, we are different people in different environments. After reading this book, I discovered my aim as a designer: to design atmospheres that offer the best sides of us the opportunity to flourish.
Material Connexion's Green Construction Material of The Year 2011.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Committing to a Line
When you watch this video consider Danny's commitment to his line. He doesn't just look for it, he sees it, he makes it. The path to your career is no less ambiguous, challenging, or exhilarating. Give yourself fully to the development of your design skills, be present for the making of your future.