Wonderful uses in interior design and architecture.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Check out these stair designs it'll make your head spin. There are also some other tabs dealing with some of the other disciplines.
Monday, April 16, 2012
I remembered that sustainability was something that we saw important to emphasize with the haybale house, or for any site in that matter. Here's a link for an organization that specializes in making spaces with buildings or no buildings more manageable and environmentally friendly. Check it out, there's some good info on there.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Haybale House
Ut Prosim
What a great day at the Jacksonville Center! Thank you for all of your hard work! Community service is a wonderful way for you to share your talents with others. Act with the good will you want to see in the world. You were great representatives of Virginia Tech's motto, That I May Serve. Bravo!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
felt experimenting
HEre's a website that shows what's trending in the world of felt and poepleare experimenting with felt to make functional objects.
HEre's a website that shows what's trending in the world of felt and poepleare experimenting with felt to make functional objects.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Hey guys, you should all check out the website, Coroflot. It's a great place to check out companies, look for jobs, and create an online portfolio. Look at the Member Gallery to see how others have set up their Coroflot page. Go to and sign up now!

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Hey guys, I was browsing this morning and came across this image of a concept sea scraper. Aside from this awesome idea and render, I wanted to call attention to the use of silhouettes and "icons" on this poster. These simplified images communicate exactly what the designer is trying to get across while maintaining a repetitive and cohesive aesthetic. Check it out!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I don't know about anyone else, but I thought it was nice getting off campus for the day yesterday. Charlotte has a nice atmosphere to it. Its a lot bigger than I was expecting and it was interesting how all of the museums were right there together in that block (interesting to see how they complimented each other). My group toured the Bechtler and during some of our free time we walked through the Mint Museum. Some of the interior design and architecture of the Bechtler was more interesting to me than the actual art itself. The fact that natural light was so emphasized in a space that contains things so sensitive to light was interesting, along with the repeated square module and how the windows framed pieces of art in neighboring showrooms. As far as the Mint Museum goes, I was very intrigued by the Fantasy exhibition (especially the trees made of pipes)!! I'm usually fascinated by mixed media art on a human scale. It was interesting to me to compare some of the works that I felt like I really appreciated versus those I didn't understand either due to their over-simplicity or their obscurity. Overall Charlotte just has a much more business oriented/bustling city personality than I expected!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Fashioning Felt
Felt has actually been used industrially and in handcraft work for hundreds of year but recently an exhibition put on by Cooper Hewitt called Fashioning Felt established a resurgence of the material in a variety of uses. This website shows some images from the work that was published with a wide range of furniture, clothing, and products. Felt's flexible, yet sturdy, characteristics allow it to be versatile in respect to its functions. It can be easily manipulated creating a broad spectrum of possibilities for the material.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Felt Designs
Here is a link to a blog of a women that does a lot of work with different materials in her designs as an interior designer. The page I linked is to her work with felt in light shades.
Felt in Interior Design

2nd Post Ever
Check out this SA-WEEET felt construction. It's called the Hush Pod because of its function. It uses one of felt's special characteristics, which is shutting out sound. This is one of the many constructions you can do with felt. I'm currently working on this cool chair. I'll post photos of it soon.
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