After about an hours worth of researching naef toy designs, I stumbled upon some toy designs that they made videos of. I noticed a common trend in these toys. Most if not all are colored with "playful colors" in reference to the design of toy. Also, parts to a whole seem to be very important in all there designs. I noticed most are like puzzles that can be transformed and rearranged to make "new toys" in a sense. The design itself is simple but their functions give you a deeper understanding of the toys. I chose the diamant and the rainbow designs because they are so simple, but can be transformed into many different things. I these because it leaves the function of the toy up to the imagination of the person playing with it. There's a sense of timelessness aswell with these 2 designs that I found very intreging. In the rainbow it features a little boy playing with this toy, yet for both I can imagine children of young ages playing with it, and I could also see them sitting on an office desk of a corporate employee, who uses them as show and almost as a stress reliever, as they experience the toy ans different forms. The sense of timelessness and parts to a whole will play a huge factor in the decisions of the judges I think.
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