Last night, I went to the Juhani Pallasmaa's lecture that was held in the Hancock Hall 100. The object of his lecture was atmosphere: atmosphere in architecture and arts, in terms of the emotion that a space or place portrays. The atmosphere of the architecture controls one's experience in the space, which is the fusion/interaction between the object and the subject. It can lead to the recognition of place and space, as well as cause the unconscious perception of the purpose of the architecture.
One of the things that I was surprised about was the idea of the quality of the whole controlling the details. I've usually thought the other way: as the quality of the details controlling the quality of the whole. But Juhani Pallasmaa's lecture indicated that the overall atmosphere of space controls the perception and experience of the viewer, therefore the details are somewhat secondary. Without understanding the whole, we cannot enjoy the details.
Even though I had a hard time grasping the concept of some parts of the lecture, it was enjoyable, and was a great learning experience. I recommend that you guys attend the future lectures done by guest speakers. There are some very successful and inspiring guests that are coming this semester! Time and place for the guest speakers are in the posters that are hung all over Cowgill, including the 2nd floor lobby and next to the elevators on the 4th floor.